How Often Should You Wash Your Dog

How Often Should You Wash Your Dog


If you are a pet parent for any length of time, you have undoubtedly encountered pets who love taking baths, those who despise it and they will do anything to avoid getting wet.

Pets straddling bathtubs while doing the limbo with all four paws, bath time can be a unique experience.

Some parent bathing their pet once a month, and some do this every day,In fact, neither approach is very good.It is not such a terrible thing, if you want to bathe your pet once a week. How long bathe your dog, a lot depends on a pet's skin type and the growing environments. If their skin is on the well lubricated, oily end of the spectrum, you can bathe your dog once a week. If the pet's skin is more on the dry side, weekly bathing could lead to drier skin and more dander to contend with.

Now that summer is here, bathing once a week can migrate from indoors to outdoors when the weather is nice. Not only does it provide for a change of scenery, but the mess can be much less if handled properly. The key is to have everything prepared, staged and the pet put on a leash to control where they roam once they are finished with their bath.

Making bath time fun is imperative.Bring the toys, treats and other temptations that will distract your pet from realizing they are standing in and being splashed with water.You can use the dog bath sprayer and massage brush.


Pets love to be dried off. Wrapping a dog in a towel can be a very fun experience as they wiggle through the wrapping while becoming drier.a blow dryer on low heat and gentle power is appropriate for drying the pet more quickly. If your dog fear the sound of a hair dryer, say encouraging words like "Good boy" to your dog and give them some treat.

Post time: Sep-05-2020