Common skin conditions in dogs

Common skin conditions in dogs

Skin issues can cause significantly uncomfortable and upset for your pet. When a skin disease is left untreated for a while the condition can often become more complicated.

Here are a couple of common skin conditions in dogs:

1.Food allergies

When your dog eats the food containing a particular ingredient which causes the body to mount a defense against the offending ingredient. This is Food allergies. Food allergens are the cause of approximately 10% of all allergy symptoms seen in dogs. The fact is that food allergies are seen with increasing frequency in dogs these days, pets must go through an elimination process for 8-12 weeks to rule out any causes of the food allergies. Your vet will advise you step by step on this type of treatment.


Ticks and fleas

Ticks and fleas affect the dog’s skin by biting and sucking their blood. Flea saliva enters the body and can cause an allergic response which irritates your pet’s skin. In extreme conditions, dogs' fur can fall out in patches. There are lots of over-the-counter options available, for fleas, you can brush your dog with a flea comb, for ticks, you’ll need to use tweezers to pull the tick straight out.


Environmental dermatitis

Environmental dermatitis addresses skin problems caused by your dog’s interaction with the environment. The problems may arise from a change in the environment your dog interacts with – the grass, plants, dirt, bugs, etc. they come in contact with. Then there’s the issue of water, which can lead to a more serious skin problem.

Treating environmental dermatitis can be difficult and in the most severe cases involve shampoo’s, tablets, and injections.

If your dog does develop skin issues, there’s no need to worry. They are quite common and very treatable with the right care.

Post time: Sep-22-2020